PhaseTrack Cable Assemblies

Times Microwave TF4 dielectric material is the key ingredient, making our PhaseTrack products the best choice for phase critical interconnect applications.
PhaseTrack cable dielectric has been developed to eliminate the "PTFE knee" in the phase/temperature performance of cables for phase-critical applications.
PhaseTrack Low Smoke cable assemblies with TF5 dielectric provide flexible phase stable performance using materials developed specifically for use in applications where low Smoke requirements must be supported.
The PhaseTrack PFlex product line consists of flexible cables similar to the TMS TFlex cables, but using the TF4 dielectric material for superior phase performance. PFlex is designed primarily for use "in-the-box," often instead of semi-rigid cables.

Times Microwave TF4 dielectric material is the key ingredient, making our PhaseTrack products the best choice for phase critical interconnect applications.
PhaseTrack cable dielectric has been developed to eliminate the "PTFE knee" in the phase/temperature performance of cables for phase-critical applications.

PhaseTrack Low Smoke cable assemblies with TF5 dielectric provide flexible phase stable performance using materials developed specifically for use in applications where low Smoke requirements must be supported.

The PhaseTrack PFlex product line consists of flexible cables similar to the TMS TFlex cables, but using the TF4 dielectric material for superior phase performance. PFlex is designed primarily for use "in-the-box," often instead of semi-rigid cables.