Be certain it will work - use Times Microwave Systems Phase Critical Products
Let Times Microwave build the highest performance phase cable assemblies for your phase critical applications. Spanning various temperature ranges, and exhibiting a range of operating characteristics, we have the cable and the expertise to give you the performance you need in your operating environment. Count on Times to provide the phase matched, phase tracking, phase stable cables assemblies - available individually, in pairs, in sets - to meet your requirements.
PhaseTrack CABLE ASSEMBLIES with Triple Layer Shield and TF4 Technology.
PhaseTrack LS CABLE ASSEMBLIES for Low Smoke / Low Toxicity Applications.
PhaseTrack PFlex CABLE ASSEMBLIES TFlex type cables with TF4 Phase Performance.
PhaseTrack SR CABLE ASSEMBLIES Semi-Rigid with TF4 Phase Performance.
SiO2 Phase CABLE ASSEMBLIES Semi Rigid for ultimate Phase Tracking Performance.